Still in the works, excuse the dust and clutter!
Hi there! I’m a 32 year old mommy who just went back to work, to my wonderful little boy, (1/19/07) Riley Alexander and my second son Ryan Matthew (1/30/12). I’m married to the most amaing man, though he doubts it at times I’m sure! *giggles* This August will be our 8th wedding anniversary. My oldest son is a Special Needs child, though nothing severe, he can be quite a handful. This blog, is really just a place for me to rant, rave and everything else.
I’m completely addicted to MMO’s starting out with Everquest in 1999. I have played Everquest 2, Rift and WoW in the past. Sometimes my twitter posts will be from one of my games or about it.
I have also grown quite fond of Digital Art, so many talented artists just make you want to give it a try yourself. No matter how good or bad it is, it’s so much fun to do! I’m currently in the process of learning to create textures and have moved on to creating my first Character. This summer marks my third year of dabbling in 3D. I feel I’ve learned quite a lot from many, many different people. I look up to each and every one of them! *update* I have hardly touched it in a year!
Right now I'm just struggling to keep up with reading a couple books on my kindle, I guess long are the days of gammer mommy, or well, for now anyhow!
I'm just a mom, trying to make it through life the best way I know how.